A blog about Data Science, Python, AI, ... basically life.
Model and Diagram Any Database Using SQLAlchemy
I needed to model and diagram (ERD) a client's database schema in order to understand their machine learning task. They don't use Django, so I can't just `manage.py inspectdb` and [`manage.py graph_models`](http://django-extensions.readthedocs.org/en/latest/graph_models.html). But fortunately, sqlalchemy makes both of these tasks easy.
It will work on any database that sqlalchemy knows how to deal with (many more [supported databases](http://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/latest/core/engines.html#others) than Django's ORM). Look, Ma, no Django!
Autocoding Your SQLAlchemy Models (`inspectdb`)
The [`sqlautocode`](https://code.google.com/p/sqlautocode/) package creates models.py files (an sqlalchemy schema) for any database. Unfortunately there's an incompatibility with the latest sqlalchemy, but [a patch] and [fork](https://bitbucket.org/x746e/sqlautocode) fixed that up. So you'll want to download this fork rather than installing from pypi or the official mercurial repo on code.google.com. Here's the bash trifecta that'll install it an model your database:
Diagramming Your Database (`graph_models`)
Unless sqlalchemy has fixed things, you'll need a special pyparsing version for pydot to play nice with sqlalchemy:
I'll post an example once I have need to model an open-data database. They are really quite well-done. The layout optimizer leaves just enough white space and the edges/relationships are untangled into a presentable/readable form.
**ERD**: Entity-Relationship Diagram -- a block diagram of your DB tables and their connections (relationships)